Products for Swine

Range of Natural Solutions for Pigs

Our products for swine includes natural performance enhancers, gut health modulators, liver supplements and natural alternatives to choline and vitamin C.


Nutra Choline H+ is a completely natural source of Choline. It is stable with premixes and easy to handle. It is an effective fat mobilizer and prevents fatty liver conditions. In addition, it is a source of labile methyl group. Nutra Choline H+ ensures optimum performance.


Norflux effectively checks post-weaning diarrhea in piglets and significantly reduces dependency on Zinc Oxide. Improves body weight and FCR in piglets and fattening pigs.


Norgain is a powerful natural growth promoter. It replaces feed anti-biotics completely with a better performance in FCR and body weight. Norgain takes care of intestinal health, digestive process, liver health and the immunity.


Nutra Bio C improves overall immunity and general health conditions. It optimizes performance in stressful conditions and compensates stress induced deficiency of vitamin C.


Ultraliv supports liver health. It strengthens liver to fight better with various toxins. It stimulates digestive enzyme secretion and improves the absorption of nutrients from the gut.